Valley Lake Fish Stocking

April 25h, 2024

The Wildwood Park District is excited to share that yesterday, Keystone Hatcheries LLC completed fish stocking of Valley Lake. There are many benefits to fish stocking, including but not limited to improving the lake’s ecosystem, ensuring a well-balanced fish population, as well as providing anglers with recreational fishing opportunities.
The following fish were stocked:
•100 Bluegill (4-6″)
•100 Redear Sunfish (1.5-3″)
•15 Triploid Grass Carp (8-11″)
Although Grass Carp are generally viewed as invasive, in small quantities they are effective for naturally removing and controlling problem weeds. The IDNR standard stocking recommendation of Triploid Grass Carp is 10-15 fish. The term “Triploid” means that the Carp have been fixed and cannot reproduce.
What fish species are in Valley Lake?
•Redear Sunfish
•Largemouth Bass
•Channel Catfish
•Triploid Grass Carp
Any questions or feedback regarding the Valley Lake fish restocking can be directed to the Wildwood Park District office at 847.223.7275 or