The Gages Lake Conservation Committee (GLCC) is a volunteer organization that manages the conservation needs of Gages Lake, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Lake County Health Department (LCHD), and Wildwood Park District (WPD).
The purpose of the GLCC is to:
The guiding principal in GLCC deliberations and actions shall be “what is best for the lake” and for those residents represented by the committee. A healthy lake is important to all residents and their property values.
Bylaws of the Gages Lake Conservation Committee were updated and approved on April 11, 2024. To read the full bylaws, including the GLCC name, definitions, purpose, members and eligibility, board of the committee, voting rights, and vacancies, election of board members, officers and duties, meetings, operating plan and budget, finances, amendments to bylaws, and dissolution, download the bylaws below.
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee is comprised of four elected, non-compensated board members. All members who serve on the board live within the Gages Lake surrounding communities. Please click on the highlighted link to view the GLCC organizational Bylaws
Rob FloodPresident |
Todd ScharaVice President |
Marianne PorrecaTreasurer |
Rachael KlabundeSecretary |
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee typically meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the Wildwood Park District (33325 N. Sears Blvd., Wildwood, IL 60030). All meetings are open to the public.
Meeting Date | Meeting Type | Agendas | Minutes | Packets |
February 8th, 2024 at 7:00pm | Regular Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | |
March 14th, 2024 at 7:00pm | Regular Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet |
April 11th, 2024 at 7:00pm | Regular Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet |
May 9th, 2024 at 7:00pm | Regular Meeting | Minutes | Packet | |
June 13th, 2024 at 7:00pm | Regular Meeting | Packet | ||
October 10th, 2024 at 7:00pm | Regular Meeting |
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee is responsible, in-part, for the following Gages Lake care and maintenance initiatives.
Nuisance aquatic vegetation and algae can have a major impact on the beauty and ecological balance of lakes and ponds, which is why the Gages Lake Conservation Committee works with a local licensed company and highly-trained team of scientists, biologists, ecologists, and aquatic resource management professionals for aquatic weed and algae control of Gages Lake. Invasive algae and aquatic weeds are not only unsightly but can sometimes be a danger to aquatic life and humans. They may also cause many water quality problems and be a detriment to aquatic ecosystems, while also hiding a lake’s true beauty.
Successful weed and algae control is a challenge that requires patience, diligence, and an array of strategies, including the use of herbicides in Gages Lake. When used properly, herbicides can be invaluable tools for the safe, fast and cost-effective eradication of plant species that are threatening the health and balance of Gages Lake's aquatic ecosystem. While herbicides often get a bad rap, it’s important to note that all herbicides used are registered and approved through a stringent process directed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The GLCC typically meets in April or May each year to determine zones and target areas to treat.
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee partners with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), as well as utilizes a local certified and fully licensed hatchery to restock gamefish in Gages Lake. Fish restocking offers numerous benefits to Gages Lake, such as ensuring a thriving ecosystem and balanced fish population, recreational fishing, mosquito control, and aesthetic appeal.
Species of fish that are restocked in Gages Lake include Channel Catfish, Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass, and Walleye.
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee utilizes a local licensed pond and lake management company for lily pad control of Gages Lake. The team of licensed aquatic pesticide applicators use EPA registered and state-permitted products that are labeled for aquatic use and are applied per label instruction to control the nuisance aquatic vegetation, which offers the most sustainable and cost-effective solution to managing lily pads. Treating lily pads with a systemic herbicide allows preservation of the natural balance of Gages Lake's aquatic ecosystems, as well as maintains and enhances the health and beauty of Gages Lake.
The Volunteer Lake Monitor tracks the water level of Gages Lake and reports their findings to the GLCC and to Lake County Environmental Health, along with any other issues they can see from the water. This allows both groups to keep an eye on water levels and track historical water level trends and events, such as droughts.
The GLCC is committed to preserving, protecting, and maintaining the health of Gages Lake, and does so through the following projects.
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee raises funds to support their various conservation initiatives and projects through hosting, sponsoring, and/or being the recipient of event proceeds and donations the following events:
Each year in the Spring and Fall, the Gages Lake Conservation Committee volunteers their time for trash clean-up along US Highway 45.
Every summer, the Gages Lake Block Party on the Water group plans and hosts the Gages Lake Venetian Night event, where traditionally, the GLCC has been selected as the recipient of the event's proceeds and donations. Participants will select a theme, decorate their boats, and parade around Gages Lake for all to see!
Each spring the GLCC, Gagewood Lions Club, and WPD host an annual Carp Fishing Derby at Willow Point Park. Basic fishing instructions are given for beginners, and participants can learn to bait their hook upon early arrival. All ages are welcome and some fishing poles are provided. Prizes are awarded for each age group.
The GLCC attends the Wildwood Park District's annual Harvest Fest event as a vendor every year. At their booth, they raise funds through minnow races and donations, and visitors can learn about Gages Lake native plant and fish species, as well as GLCC'S conservation initiatives.
Each winter, the Gages Lake Block Party on the Water group plans and hosts the Gages Lake Ice Golf Tournament event, where traditionally, the GLCC has been selected as the recipient of the event's proceeds and donations. Event includes a five-hole ice golf tournament, 50/25/25 raffle, and bonfire.
Every summer, the Gages Lake Block Party on the Water group plans and hosts the Gages Lake Kayak Poker Run, where traditionally, the GLCC has been selected as the recipient of the event's proceeds and donations. Participants will grab their kayak, paddle board, paddle boat, or canoe and paddle to five different lake-front docks to collect their poker hand. Refreshments and/or snacks will be provided at each stop, enjoy live music and food at the last stop, and purchase 50/25/25 raffle tickets.
The GLCC sponsors the Wildwood Park District's Snow Much Fun event every January by leading an ice fishing demo and providing ice fishing gear for all to use. The 2024 Snow Much Fun event will take place on Saturday, January 20th from 10-11:30am at Pebble Beach Park.
The GLCC is always looking for help and to grow the community’s involvement. Getting involved and supporting the GLCC’s initiatives is essential to our organization and helps to fulfill our mission. Gages Lake is a unique and beautiful natural resource right in our own community, and it’s important for our residents to understand their impact on the health of Gages Lake, to help preserve and protect it, raise awareness of GLCC events and initiatives, and provide conservation education.
Attend a Board Meeting
Whether you’re interested in becoming a board member, you’re looking to learn more about the GLCC, or you’d like your voice to be heard, we welcome all residents to attend our board meetings. The Gages Lake Conservation Committee typically meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the Wildwood Park District (33325 N. Sears Blvd., Wildwood, IL 60030). All meetings are open to the public.
Help the GLCC make a difference. When you donate to the Gages Lake Conservation Committee, you’re directly helping to improve, preserve, and protect the health of Gages Lake. If you’d like to make a donation:
When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to make a true impact. The GLCC offers many types of volunteer opportunities to meet the interests and needs of everyone, including:
The Gages Lake Conservation Committee would love to hear from you!
Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all GLCC events, happenings, initiatives, and more!