When Does Registration Begin?

Registration for all 2025 winter and spring events and programs begins Monday, December 30th at 9:00am for residents, and Monday, January 6th at 9:00am for non-residents.

How Do I Register?

The Wildwood Park District offers multiple ways to register, including online, email, fax, mail, and in-person. Registering online is always fastest. For more details on registering, or to register once registration opens, please visit:


How Quickly Do Spots Fill?

Quickly! We recommend viewing our website and 2025 Winter/Spring Brochure (digital and hard copy coming mid-December prior to open registration and having all your favorite events and programs picked out ahead of time so you can enroll as soon as registration opens.




Earthquakes Structures! STEM Class

The Earthquake Structures! STEM class, taught by Cailin Epstein with the Warren-Newport Public Library, promotes science, technology, engineering, and math to nurture curiosity, inspire creativity, and teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills amongst youth. In this class, kids can choose their own mate- rials to make structures that can withstand a Jello earthquake!


Please pre-register by Monday, March 10th.

Location Rule House; Oak Room Days/Dates Thursday, 3/13
Time 5:30-6:30pm Age 6-12 years
Min/Max 6/16 Instructor Park District Staff/Volunteer and Cailin Epstein, Warren-Newport Public Library


Class ID:



Cub and Boy Scouts

If you are interested in becoming a Cub Scout or a Boy Scout visit the websites below!

Pack 671: https://www.cubscoutpack671.com/

Troop 671: https://www.troop671bsa.org/

Crew 671: https://www.crew671bsa.org/